New year,new wishes.Besides my wish that my family be safe,healthy and happy.I also hope those I dislike get away from me all the time,cheap replica oakleys, and I wish I can love more who I love.
Too sleepy these days,firecrackers are too noisy,I think people would prefer the festival without noise one day.Although it's a tradition in China,it's useless at all.Every year,many news reports on firecracker accidents tell us how dangerous they are to children.So I advise son not to do that.
Maybe only children like spending the Spring Festival.For adults,it's just a busiest time to do completely housework,waste money and cook.To exact,the time of being with family warmthly we love most is the only meaning of festival.So nowadays,more people hate the Spring Festival because of too tiredness.But I only do what I want,staying at home with my family quietly to spend such a festival is perfect.Luckily,rabbit is still alive after terrific firecrackers,wholesale nfl jerseys, and the rain and snow makes this world calm and clean.
Wanna say to myself in the coming year:to be myself,to be more independent.
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